Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding The Time To Balance Affiliate Marketing and Life

One of the biggest problems faced by new affiliate marketers is finding the time. Affiliate marketing requires many hours of work, especially when first starting out. Most are busy enough with their regular full time jobs, and finding time to apply to promoting affiliates can be a major challenge.

This can create a stressful scenario. In basically doing two jobs, one can create more stress in their life, especially as leisure time is minimized. Finding balance between work and leisure is a great challenge. I am one who still fights this battle. I appreciate any help I can get. One excellent source is an article by Katie Rose. She provides 8 helpful tips for maximizing the work-life balance. I'll share those with you:
  1. Prioritize
  2. Take several downtime breaks through the day
  3. Take breaks away from email, cell phone, etc.
  4. Solicit assistance
  5. Exercise
  6. Rely on Routine
  7. Eliminate distractions
  8. Make room for vacation
For details on each of these hints, I recommend you read the full article. I have included the link below. I believe you will find it helpful in creating that work-life balance. Please share any ideas you have, or how this article may have helped you. Have a great day!