Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding The Time To Balance Affiliate Marketing and Life

One of the biggest problems faced by new affiliate marketers is finding the time. Affiliate marketing requires many hours of work, especially when first starting out. Most are busy enough with their regular full time jobs, and finding time to apply to promoting affiliates can be a major challenge.

This can create a stressful scenario. In basically doing two jobs, one can create more stress in their life, especially as leisure time is minimized. Finding balance between work and leisure is a great challenge. I am one who still fights this battle. I appreciate any help I can get. One excellent source is an article by Katie Rose. She provides 8 helpful tips for maximizing the work-life balance. I'll share those with you:
  1. Prioritize
  2. Take several downtime breaks through the day
  3. Take breaks away from email, cell phone, etc.
  4. Solicit assistance
  5. Exercise
  6. Rely on Routine
  7. Eliminate distractions
  8. Make room for vacation
For details on each of these hints, I recommend you read the full article. I have included the link below. I believe you will find it helpful in creating that work-life balance. Please share any ideas you have, or how this article may have helped you. Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

5 Profitable Niche Markets

The art of finding a niche is one of the key ingredients to really making it in online selling. It is true that beginner sellers are much more successful when they appeal to a very small market rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
Finding a niche isn't always easy - it takes time and persistence to find the right product to sell. I read an article from Salehoo which gives you 5 inspiring product niche ideas. While some niche ideas might seem abstract to new sellers, that is exactly what a great niche is - very precise and seemingly difficult to source.
Niche Item #1: Heart Rate Monitors
These are used by athletes, those that spend much time in the gym, or by people who need to closely watch their heart rate.
Why they are an exciting niche item:
  • They have a 75% success rate on eBay (75% of all monitors listed on eBay in the last three months sold!)
  • They are lightweight and easy to ship and store
  • One size fits all
Niche Item #2: Plus Size Maternity Wear
Another plus-size item with huge success on eBay
It's a profitable niche because:
  • Maternity and baby gear always works because people are always going to have babies, so you'll never run out of customers!
  • Clothing items are easy to ship as they light and not fragile.
Niche Item #3: Plus Size Shoes
Many big-foot's out there find it very difficult to find shoes that will fit them comfortably from regular retail stores.
Why they are a super niche item:
  • While these are commonly made by popular shoe makers, stores often order only a handful of pairs in larger sizes, which means that more and more, our big-footed friends must turn to buying online to get what they need.
  • They have a high success rate on eBay (women's size 11 sell at 61.9% and men's size 14 at 75%
  • Both men and women alike can require plus size shoes (Hot tip: women's size 11+ high heels could make a great little niche)
Niche Item #4: Antique Clocks
Another great collectible item
They are a first-rate niche because:
  • You'll appeal to both collectors and home decorators
  • They have an eBay success rate of over 67%
  • You can often pick these up very cheaply from flea markets and yard sales, then sell them on to make a profit
Niche items really are the way to go for newbie sellers and there are so many out there to keep you interested and best of all, make you money!
Niche Item #5: Military Insignia
Collectibles always make great niches and you can dig really deep to find the best ones. They are also perfect for people who are interested in them - you'll find it much easier and much more rewarding when you sell something you enjoy. To really niche it up, go for US military insignia from the Vietnam War which is big on eBay.
Why military insignia makes an excellent niche:
  • It rarely dates or goes out of fashion
  • There are so many sub-niches to discover like Russian war medals and World War 2 helmets.
I suggest you look into these areas if you are considering profitable online niches. Please feel free to comment about your level and methods of success. Thanks!
As a side note, if you are looking for companies that supply these items, I recommend joining Salehoo. For more information, check out their site...Salehoo

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can Online Forums Increase Blog Traffic?

I am reading more and more these days of the value of involving yourself with online forums. It's a great way to demonstrate expertise in your niche area. I am also told that it can be a strategic way to increase traffic to your website.

The most helpful article I read is by Yaro Starak called "How to Leverage Online Forums For Blog Traffic."  He outlines 3 helpful steps to accomplish this:
  1. Add a photo and signature to the forum you join.
  2. Add value to the forum by demonstrating your knowledge and helpful expertise.
  3. Promote yourself...indirectly. Do not use the forum as a self-promotion tool. Instead, add your expertise, get noticed, and people will come to you.
The advice makes complete sense. If done correctly, developing a presence in online forums can certainly bring more traffic to your site. For more information, I have included a link to the article. As always, I welcome any comments that would help readers at this site. Have an excellent day!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Free Way To Increase Your Income

I wrote this article a while back on a different site. I thought it would be appropriate to share here. Enjoy!....

Are you someone who is looking to make money online? It is my dream to make an excellent living from the comfort of my own home, and I strongly believe it will happen one day.

There are a billion ads online advertising ways to make increase your income. Many seem like they could work. The problem is, in almost all cases, you have to pay a fee to buy a program or get the magic formula. I know you have to spend money to make money, but if I spent it on all of these opportunities I would go broke instead of making the money I am looking for.

I will say that there is a free way to increase your income, and it doesn't take much effort. In fact, you can have lots of fun with this. Are you ready?.....

As I continue to read and study the mind and its power, I see more and more how we can use our minds to accomplish anything. This is not something that one book says. I have read about 30 (and counting), and they ALL say it!! Even the greatest book of all, the Bible, clearly outlines benefits of positive thoughts.

So how can just thinking about money bring it to you? From what I'm reading, it's a subconscious thing. You may be money is going to fall from the sky just because I am thinking about it? I wish it was that easy. However, the more we see ourselves with the money in our imagination, the more likely we are to see it show up in our lives. It's not about willing it into our lives. It's not about figuring out how we can keep it all to ourselves. And it's not about just sittting around waiting for it. It is about generating good, positive feelings about money. It is about figuring out how we will use it to bless ourselves and others. And it is about developing faith and taking necessary action according to that faith.

Faith is exactly what happens when we think positive thoughts about money, or anything. I shared recently that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. I wrote that our thoughts are substance, and our desires are things hoped for. When we see money in our imagination, we are creating that evidence. Remember that our subconscious cannot tell the difference between what is real or imagined. The more you imagine it, the more you start to believe you can have it. Once you have that faith, pray for and seek opportunities to make it happen. Be sure to act immediately on the answers and guidance you receive from your intuition. I believe that intuition is the voice of God guiding and directing you.

I have seen this work in my own life. As I rid myself of negative money thoughts, and replace them with postive ones, I gradually see more money coming into my life. The more I maintain these positive thoughts, the more opportunities I receive. The same is true for anyone.

So instead of paying for those money-making opportunities and hoping they work out, see yourself as the prosperous person you want to be. Mentally experience the great things it will bring. Imagine the blessing you can be to the people in your life. Then act on the opportunities that inevitably follow. The more you keep these positive thoughts in your head, the faster you will see the results you are looking for. How much does this wonderful opportunity cost? It's free!

Enjoy the blessings!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Focus On This Question To Increase Sales

Every once in a while, I like to focus on some of the basics when it comes to maximizing any type of sales. I was doing some reading, and found some very basic, yet extremely important information. It is the golden question that needs to be answered in order to be successful.

That question is...what's in it for me? I told you it was Sales 101. Yet, how often do some people neglect to answer that question from the customer's point of view? It's a question that has to be answered. In fact, the very first question.

So here's your friendly reminder. No matter what it is you may be selling, answer the question your customer has about "what's in it for me"? When you can answer that question in as many ways as possible, you have a major head start in increasing your sales and bottom line.

We're going short and sweet today, quality not quantity. However, if you can take this small bit of important and powerful information with you today, it can bring you much success. That's what's in it for you : )

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Power of Radio - An Old Source For A New Trade

Ever since I was 10 years old, I have been intrigued by the power of radio. As a youngster, radio would bring me to sporting events I could not watch, or concerts I could not attend. Then I discovered shortwave and long distance AM radio that took me to cities I could not visit. If I had to choose only one between a tv or a radio, I would choose the radio.

These days the internet can bring so much of this and much more. However, my love for radio will never disappear. Recently, I have discovered another excellent use for it. I have been using the radio resources on my cell phone to listen to podcasts about internet marketing. In many ways, I am using this old source to help me with my new passion of internet marketing. I am learning a great amount of new, helpful information.

One program I have specifically focused on is called "Affiliate Buzz". This program is available online on Webmaster Radio. The hosts of the program are the husband and wife team of James and Arlene Martell. The knowledge they share is backed up by their years of experience with all kinds of online marketing. They are fun to listen to, as they demonstrate a sincere enjoyment for what they do, in addition to the great knowledge they share.

The subject matter of these programs deals with a wide variety of topics. One very helpful one was titled, "How To Grow Your Traffic To 1000 Visitors Per Day". I especially appreciated how they did not guarantee immediate results, but instead stress the need for hard, yet efficient work. The steps they presented were very clear, simple, and easy to implement. In fact, their recommendations explain how to accomplish more in less time. For example, one of the key ideas of this program was maintaining fresh content. They discussed, in detail, how to set up a daily writing schedule that incorporates one's own ideas, along with guest blogs from others. Another program explained how to use the popular outsourcing site Elance effectively, while another discussed developing iPhone apps.

If you are looking to develop your skills as an online marketer, I strongly suggest you listen to these informative programs. I have included a link at the end of this article. Please know that I encourage comments and sharing of any information you may have learned from this or other similar programs that can help new and experienced online marketers. Have an excellent day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Increase Sales Subliminally

I am a firm believer in the power of using subliminal video and audio to increase brain power. Does it work? It has proven to be effective. That's because we cannot consciously block the postive messages that are being sent to our subconscious mind. The messages that are viewed or heard go directly to the subconscious, which is where our beliefs are formed. Once it is convinced of something, we act it out in confidence.

There are many subliminal videos available. I will recommend a few that I've used and enjoyed. The first is a free one, that I have found to be most effective. It is called the Subliminal Sales Success Secret. Positive messages are flashed subliminally. Some examples are, "I take massive action", "I exceed expectations", "I visualize success". As you are constantly seeing these messages, they are being entrenched into your brain. The more you watch this video, the more entrenched these messages will become. As mentioned, you start to believe it. You truly believe that you can exceed expectations. As a result, you start taking the "massive action" to do so.

Another great thing about this video, is that there is an audio track that accompanies the subliminal messages. The audio is not subliminal. However, it features more powerful, uplifiting commentary that compliments the positive subliminal messages.

Will your sales increase because of this video? Yes and no. A video won't usually help you succeed. However, this video will certainly help develop the positive, faithful attitude you need to be successful in sales or anything in life. Even if I don't see dramatic increases of sales at times, I always come away from this video feeling more positive and capable. It affects my day in a powerful way. I benefit, as do the people around me. It brings an attitude of success, and my day will usually end up that way.

I strongly suggest you watch this video on a regular basis. It's only 8 minutes long. If you watch it even twice a day regularly, I can tell you from experience that you will be empowered. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself. Please let me know how it affects you and helps you succeed. I have included the link at the end of this entry. Have an excellent day!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The First Step To Any Marketing Effort

People are always curious...what's the first thing I need to do in order to be a successful online marketer? My answer is...the same thing you need to be successful at ANYTHING. Ready?...

The first thing you need is a positive attitude. Success in any endeavor starts in the mind. The first thing you need to do before you take any action is make sure your head is on straight. By that, I mean that you need to be absolutely sure that you are focusing on the end result of success instead of worrying what might go wrong. You need to envision success. Have the faith to know that you can and will succeed.

If you go into something expecting failure, or even wondering if you can succeed or not, you are killing your chances of success. However, if you firmly believe in your mind that success is not an option, but is inevitable, you will take action that follows that belief and leads you to success.

How do you focus on success? I am one who believes in affirmation and visualization. Throughout the day, repeat to yourself success phrases over and over until they are entrenched into your subconscious. Short phrases like, "I am successful", "my plans succeed", "I make good money", etc. Anything that you feel comfortable with. Then visualize the success. Replay the picture in your mind of the high traffic numbers, or money being earned, even if it's not happening yet. Along with that, feel the excitement and satisfaction of it as if it were actually happening. It's unbelievable how this works on the subconscious, and constant doubts are replaced by irreplaceable faith.

Online marketing is difficult work, especially to be very successful. However, when success is engrained in your mind, you are taking that all-important first step to making it happen for you. It will also make the experience far more positive and rewarding. Enjoy it!

P.S. If you find this information helpful, I have an entire blog full of articles about the power of the mind. Please check it out at

Steps To Successful Affiliate Marketing

There are many knowledgeable Affiliate marketers in the online world. I take that as a good thing because I am finding out more every day that there is so much to learn in this field. The more expert advice I can get, the better. In this blog I will share a great deal of the advice that I learn and apply myself.

I read one such article which does an excellent job outlining 8 easy strategies to maximize Affiliate Marketing success:
  1. Choose the correct products.
  2. Know your product.
  3. Be sure you earn a sufficient commission.
  4. Don't overly concern yourself with sales conversion.
  5. Pay attention to real-time stats.
  6. Keep things simple, especially in the beginning.
  7. Be sure to work with reputable companies.
  8. Avoid exclusivity clauses.
It's tips like these that will show you are doing some things right, and perhaps need to make some changes. That's why I appreciate them and recommend them. For more information on this, I have provided a link to the article. Have an excellent day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Powerful Time Management Tip

Are you looking for ways to manage your time more effectively? Time management can be a struggle for many, especially those exploring the online marketing world while trying to working around full time jobs.

One of the best pieces of advice I've received recently comes from Jim Britt in his book, "Do This, Get Rich". In one of the chapters he suggests breaking the day down to 15 minute blocks, trying to accomplish as much as possible in each of these blocks. This is in line with his theme that the most successful people are given no more time in a particular day than anyone else. It's just that they use their time more effectively.
After taking a closer look at this theory it makes sense. The author points out that in an average day we have about 60 of these blocks. By focusing on each of these 15 minute blocks, it helps us become more aware of the time and using it effectively. He mentions that 15 minutes is enough time to accomplish something, and short enough that, if we are moving off track, we can take corrective action quickly without wasting a great deal of time.

Since I need much help in managing my time this classic procrastinator and time waster decided to give it a try. I will admit that focusing on every 15 minute block is not an easy task. In the first weeks I tried this it was difficult to make it through a whole day of managing each 15 minute time frame. However, gradually improved efficiency by one or two blocks a day. I'm still not perfect at it, but I believe I am setting the tone for greater efficiency that eventually will become routine.

I have mentioned this information to some of my family and friends who have said they noticed an immediate difference in time awareness and efficiency. Overall, I love this philosophy because it can help you become more aware of your actions, time spent on them, and the results you are actually producing. I recommend giving it a try. Please let me know how it goes.

Enjoy the blessings : )

Monday, July 23, 2012

A New Venture

For many years now I have been fascinated with the Internet and the opportunities it provides. Besides the things it teaches us, and places it takes us, the Web provides the opportunity to earn a significant income and even make a living.

During the past ten years, the Internet has helped me make thousands of dollars through various jobs, projects, sales, and more. Lately, I have been fascinated with even more ways to earn income online. As a result, I have learned a great deal of information from many great, successful teachers and marketers. It has helped me, and given me the desire to share my new knowledge and ideas with anyone else who may be interested to learn.

In this blog, I will share the information, programs, and helpful hints that I have learned to help me succeed, not only with online marketing, but in other areas of life as well.

I hope you find this information helpful. I am open to further suggestions and gladly welcome any comments that will add to the information provided. I look forward to hearing from you : )