Thursday, July 26, 2012

The First Step To Any Marketing Effort

People are always curious...what's the first thing I need to do in order to be a successful online marketer? My answer is...the same thing you need to be successful at ANYTHING. Ready?...

The first thing you need is a positive attitude. Success in any endeavor starts in the mind. The first thing you need to do before you take any action is make sure your head is on straight. By that, I mean that you need to be absolutely sure that you are focusing on the end result of success instead of worrying what might go wrong. You need to envision success. Have the faith to know that you can and will succeed.

If you go into something expecting failure, or even wondering if you can succeed or not, you are killing your chances of success. However, if you firmly believe in your mind that success is not an option, but is inevitable, you will take action that follows that belief and leads you to success.

How do you focus on success? I am one who believes in affirmation and visualization. Throughout the day, repeat to yourself success phrases over and over until they are entrenched into your subconscious. Short phrases like, "I am successful", "my plans succeed", "I make good money", etc. Anything that you feel comfortable with. Then visualize the success. Replay the picture in your mind of the high traffic numbers, or money being earned, even if it's not happening yet. Along with that, feel the excitement and satisfaction of it as if it were actually happening. It's unbelievable how this works on the subconscious, and constant doubts are replaced by irreplaceable faith.

Online marketing is difficult work, especially to be very successful. However, when success is engrained in your mind, you are taking that all-important first step to making it happen for you. It will also make the experience far more positive and rewarding. Enjoy it!

P.S. If you find this information helpful, I have an entire blog full of articles about the power of the mind. Please check it out at

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