Friday, June 14, 2013

A Sure Way To Defeat Your Obstacles

Have you ever completed an obstacle course? I always found them fun, yet frustrating at the same time. I had to go around or through several obstacles in order to reach the finish line. I like the challenge of it, though sometimes it seemed a bit long and drawn out. I began to wonder if I would ever make it to the end : )

Isn't that how we often consider obstacles in life? There are some challenges we find interesting, and we enjoy the opportunities they present. In other cases, we dread obstacles because they keep us from reaching the finish line of our dreams and goals. In some cases, we get so frustrated that we give up before we even come close to reaching those goals.

Many will can we avoid allowing these obstacles to prevent us from reaching our goals? I found a powerful quote today that I believe holds the key..."obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal" - Joseph Cossman. The key is to keep your eyes fixed firmly on the goal. When you do this, nothing or no one will be able to stop you from getting where you want to go.

There are many examples of people who refused to let obstacles get in the way. I am a sports lover, and often see athletes that are so determined to win that they play at a level even higher than their normal greatness. You can often see that look in their eyes, and you know nothing or no one is getting in their way of success.

You too will find success if you simply keep focused on the goal. If you do, you won't even know the obstacles in front of you exist. Even if they linger, you will have little difficulty conquering them.
Many people don't accomplish their goals because the obstacles they face create doubt and fear. When you remain completely focused on the goal, you don't leave room for doubt and fear to creep in. Instead, you only leave room for faith and success.

Keep your eyes fixed on the goal, and refuse to take no for an answer. You will see yourself accomplishing more and more success by following this simple formula. Enjoy the blessings : )

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