Saturday, June 22, 2013

Two Small Words That Bring Big Success

There are certain phrases that get my attention and I find to be amusing. One such phrase is... "as if". I especially find it funny when someone does not believe what they are being told. The "as if" is equivalent to "yeah right".

As I learn more about maintaining a right mind and creating our own success, I realize more and more the importance of living with the "as if" mentality. What's your goal? What do you want most in life? One of the key ways to reach the goal and live the life you want to live is to act "as if" you actually have what you desire.

This philosophy can be used in all areas of life. Do you want to make a major impression at the job? Work and act as if you are already there. How would you work if you were recognized as a top employee? Seeking the ideal partner? How would you act as if he or she were with you right now? Seeking more money? What would you be doing if you had it? Spend time mentally focusing on the answers to these questions. Then act accordingly.

I have been especially focusing on the "as if" and I already see the impacts. There are things I have held back doing because I was waiting until I had the money, the energy, or the time. Shifting my thinking, I acted as if I already had those things. The result has been greater confidence and a more positive mindset. It has also positively impacted some other people around me due to the extra time I was able to give.

The key is not to spend money that you don't have, or wear yourself thin by doing too much. Instead, it is feeling, as often as possible, "as if" you are already living the life you desire, and doing things as if this was the case. It's a matter of using the Law of Attraction naturally to create the ideal life. This is because, according to the Law, the more you feel like you are living the life you desire, you already have what you want, and feel the corresponding positive emotions, the more likely and the more quickly you will see it manifest in your life.

Use these magic words as a guide to help create the life you are seeking. Live as if you already have what you want. Feel the corresponding emotions, and take the corresponding actions. Before long it will be natural, and your life will be at the higher level you desire. Instead of saying "as if" you will be saying "it's real". Enjoy the blessings!

For further information on rapidly manifesting the success you seek, I recommend you check out this site... The Secret of Deliberate Creation

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